Marilyn Zein El-Abidin Marilyn Zein El-Abidin

It’s eclipse season on earth

It’s Eclipse Season on Earth

September 29, 2023 – Full Moon in Aries (could be a little cranky 😊)

September 30th, 2023 (Mars square Pluto), (super grumpy ☹)

October 4th – Mars enters Libra – good time for diplomatic issues and conversations

October 8th – Venus enters Virgo and will be at fall during the eclipse.  I think these eclipses forge awareness and healings having to do with sensitive Venusian subjects, health-related, not feeling deserving or good enough)

October 10th – Pluto direct in Capricorn, at the end degrees – the deep work moves forward

October 11th – Mars enters Scorpio – another sign of something very deep being addressed at the eclipses

October 14, 2023 – Solar Eclipse @ 21°Libra (masculine, south node release and seed a new moon new start, this is a partial eclipse called a “Ring of Fire” which starts in Oregan and makes its way down to SE Texas)

October 21st – Mercury enters Scorpio, yet another Plutonian signature, deep thoughts, deep conversations

October 28, 2023 – Lunar Eclipse @ 5° Taurus (feminine, emotional, north node eclipse, clarity, also a fertile time for women as it is in the Vedic Nakshatra of Bahrani)


An eclipse, whether solar, lunar, north node, or south node, is always a turning point that the universe gives to us to bring us onto a new path - or to close an old one. It is a personal and collective re-alignment. Picture this:  your car needs a good tune up and you’ve been putting it off for months.  Finally, one morning you wake up, the car won’t start, and you take it to the shop. Eclipse vibe.  Another scenario could be that you completely ditch the old car and get something new, or you are driving and suddenly get this unfounded urge to step on the gas. Sometimes you can find yourself in the right place at the right time, and something in your life finally manifests, or sets you free if the eclipse makes direct contact with your chart. There is also an element of unpredictability to an eclipse.  These are times when things just show up in our lives and take us somewhere. It is a pivot point written in the stars. An about-face, a flip, a spinal adjustment, a shift. We talk about shifts all the time, (sometimes to a level of redundancy), but an eclipse truly is a shift.

Here is what I find very significant about these October eclipses:


1.   Pluto goes direct on October 10, so whatever has been on hold in your life, the tough stuff you’ve been putting off, is joining the eclipse and getting a double whammy and a petal on the gas. Pluto is at the end of Capricorn so check where Capricorn is on your chart wheel. This is stuff that’s been going on for the past 20 years while Pluto has been in Capricorn, finally sealing up over the remainder of 2023 and a little 2024 when Pluto enters Tropical Aquarius.


2.   The north node is in Aries, which is the sign having to do with a new start, birth, and forging forward, so even if your chart does not line up perfectly with these eclipses, the collective itself is getting a boost from the Aries full moon on September 29th, Pluto direct, and the fact that the north node is in Aries.



3.   Chiron, (the wounded healer) is in Aries joining the North Node, another signature of something moving forward. During eclipse time just be mindful of feeling like a victim and check where you could actually be the one making the problem!


4.   The October 14th eclipse in Libra is on the Aries/Libra axis. It is a south node eclipse and a new moon which indicates a letting go of something in the Libra sector in preparation for something new in the Aries sector of your chart. This eclipse is aligned with the star SPICA. Read below for more information.



5.   The October 28th lunar eclipse @ 5° Taurus is in the Vedic Nakshaktra of Bahrani, which is the yoni, (the female birthing organ) and this is yet another sign of birthing something new. Also, both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, and Aries/Scorpio by Mars, so this is very much a male/female, Mars/Venus polarity balancing eclipse. Seems like some balance is being born in these sectors.


SPICA (according to

Spica is known as “the lovely one” and also has a Venus/Mars vibe to it. Yet another signature of balance between masculine and feminine.


 However, read this quote from Astrology King, “There is, however, a word of warning to go with it: We only reap harvest if we have first sown the seed and cared for the fields, and what we reap must last us, and all who labored in our fields, until the next harvest is ready. He does not do so well from Spica who reaps what he has not sown, uses it profligately, or denies to others their share of his good fortune. As though to rub this in quite firmly, Arcturus in the sky above the Virgin’s Hand is the prime star of the much rougher character, the Herdsman, just as ready to take care of his herd but not to stand any nonsense from them.

Spica is also noted for its spiritual and religious qualities, as we must expect after all we have seen about Virgo, and indeed people with this star strong in their horoscopes do very often gain high place in those fields of life. Psychic awareness is also above average in such people, especially if the more sensitive planets”


-Hence what I mentioned about Chiron in collective Aries –

Be sure you are being fair to other people in your life before you decide to meditate on SPICA because what you perceive as a victim could actually be you as the perpetrator.



An eclipse happens when the sun and moon are within 18 ½ degrees of the lunar nodes and will always occur during a new or full moon. They usually happen twice a year, in pairs. The energetic signature of any eclipse is toned by the place of the lunar nodes, whether it is a north node or south node eclipse and whether it is solar or lunar. One of my favorite astrologers, Molly McCord, notes that another layer of flavor to the eclipse can be added when we see whether that eclipse is masculine, meaning yang, forward-thrusting, or feminine, meaning yin, more inward. Libra is a masculine sign and Taurus, feminine. Both ruled by Venus. Yet the north node in Aries is ruled by Mars.

 Again, these two planets are very much in focus, especially since a great part of our summer was spent with Venus retrograde.


Different eclipses work with different charts depending on whether the eclipse is conjunct a personal planet, making aspects, or hitting sensitive spots in your chart wheel. Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) will really feel this one, and also the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and possibly Virgo’s since it’s conjunct Spica).  This is not only about sun signs my friends, check your charts if you have ascendant in any of the signs mentioned, or any planets in these signs or degrees of the eclipse. 


These eclipses are really touching my own chart in a big way, (on my Libra ascendant, on my south node in the 1st house, and my natal north node in Aries. I am having a nodal return. I want to share a little story with you all about this that might help to demonstrate why I love and follow astrology so much and to see if perhaps you are also having a nodal return in Aries and what you were doing the last time the north node was in Aries.


Are you having a nodal return this year? Here are the dates:


August 20, 1967 – April 19, 1969

April 7, 1986 – December 2, 1987

December 27, 2004 – June 22, 2006

July 18, 2023 - January 11, 2025


I was born on April 27, 1968, so as you can see, I am having a nodal return.  I looked back at my last nodal return which was between 2004-2006 and guess what happened at that time?  I had a sudden transformative experience with both Reiki and IET and began to study it. That is what I mean about being set upon a path if an eclipse makes aspects to your chart.  I have been practicing energy healing for about 20 years now.

 I am now having another nodal return and suddenly IET is in the forefront again. I went to a Master Instructor’s conference in March and now I will be teaching more regularly. Because of the astrological understanding I continue to acquire, I know it’s not an accident and probably something I will continue to do!

What were you doing between 2004 and 2006? This is the last time the NN was in Aries, a birthing of something  new. There is most likely a shift or upgrade there in that area of your life. Fascinating, right?


Offerings and events:

I will be away for the October 14th eclipse, but on the 29th of October, we will be holding an info session and healing mediation at New Earth Community Connections.  If you join us, I will let you know where the eclipse is working in your chart, and the group will do a Vedic attunement to Mars (a meditation I did years ago with Asheville Vedic Astrology). This is an alignment with higher octave Mars energy. Also, we will be having an experience with one of the IET Healing Angels of the Violet Ray.  I’m not sure which one yet. We will see what comes that day. 

To register, please click here:


Sessions at New Earth on 177 Main Street:

If you are having a north node return or feel like this eclipse might be important to you, I am offering a one-hour eclipse reading which could include dowsing, emotional release, IET, Reiki, or Emotion Code depending on what comes up on your eclipse chart. We may use pendulum or tarot for clarity.

Many of you know that I also do past life regression. That is also in line with the Plutonic energies included in these eclipses and a helpful modality at this time.


Happy Cosmos

Love, Marilyn

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